P&P - Avvocati

Avv. Ombretta Fabe Dal Negro
She is an expert in various disciplines of commercial law, particularly corporate and bankruptcy law, in which, due to her proven experience, the Court of Milan has assigned her roles related to liability actions against directors and auditors. She has served as an advisor to extraordinary commissioners of large companies in crisis, both as a consultant for the procedure in the implementation of the asset liquidation programme and as a defence lawyer in cases brought by the procedure itself. She has considerable experience as a consultant in the acquisition of companies from insolvency procedures and Extraordinary Administration. She also assists clients in litigation activities where her skills are particularly highlighted.
She is a speaker at conferences, in Italy and abroad, on business law and international law, and is the author of legal articles on international law and entertainment law. She is an arbitrator at the SHIAC (Shanghai International Arbitration Center) and has been a member of the Council of the Lombardy Delegation of AIDDA (Association of Women Entrepreneurs and Executives) for many years, as well as a member of the Board of ABL (Alliance of Business Lawyers). She is a member of the IBA (International Bar Association). International and Heidrick & Struggles have included her among the "1000 excellent curricula" for the purposes of the gender quota law in Boards of Directors.
She speaks Italian and English,