P&P - Avvocati
Prof. Avv. Maria Costanza
Maria Costanza, Professor and Attorney at Law, graduated in Law from the Università Statale di Milano on the 10th of July 1975.
Since September 1981 she obtained her Ph.D at the above said University and in 1986, after winning the related contest, she was appointed Civil Law extraordinary Professor. In September 1986 she worked as a full professor of Civil Law at the University of Parma. Since November 1996 she has taught Institutions of Private Law at the Università degli Studi di Pavia in the Law Department. She also teaches Private Law at the Communication Sciences Department of that University. She gives lectures at the Regulatory Sciences School. In 1992/1993 she taught Private Law and Civil Law for entrustment at the University of Lecce.
She gave lectures to trainee lawyers and to public notaries at the Lombardia Notary School, and gave Tax Law lectures at the Master IPSOA School. In 2006 and 2007 she gave training lectures organized by the University of Genoa at ANACI.
In 2005 and 2006 she taught Introduction to Law at the Biotechnology School of the Università Statale di Milano. She participated in and wrote copious papers for numerous national conventions and for Ph.D seminars.
She directed the Contract Treaty published by UTET. She contributed to the Zanichelli Exegesis on the bankruptcy law. She directed the Treaty of Agreements in general, published by Casa Editrice Giuffrè and contributes to various juridical magazines such as “Giustizia Civile”, “Il Fallimento”, “Foro Italiano”, “Giurisprudenza Italiana”, “Rivista di Diritto Civile”, “Contratto e Impresa” and “Vita Notarile”. Maria Costanza has contributed to numerous papers on agreements, civil liabilities, bankruptcy procedures, and banking law. She wrote for Enciclopedia Giuridica Italiana, Digesto IV and Enciclopedia del Diritto and published volumes with other authors, and on her own within the Scaloja and Branca Exegesis. She wrote a volume on non-commercial bodies within the Notary Treaty directed by P. Perlingeri and she has edited the volume about contractual liability and damages. There are coming an article on “Personal Guarantee” and an other one on “Pending Contractual Relationship and Bankrupt”.
She is a lawyer and attorney at law in Milan. She was appointed as attorney at law of bankruptcy procedures before Milan, Lodi and Rome Courts. She worked as an attorney at law and arbitrator to numerous arbitrations, also before the I.C.C. and the Arbitration Chamber of Milan. She is a member of the scientific committee of the Civil Chamber of Milan. She deals with bank agreements, financial intermediation, factoring, commercial agreements primarily related to reorganization plans and bankruptcy procedures. Some of her professional activities were selected to be part of the Reports from the Observation desk of Bocconi University of Milan.
She speaks Italian, English, German and French.